Seven hospital trade groups have written to congressional leaders asking them to delay Affordable Care Act-mandated cuts in Medicaid disproportionate share hospital payments (Medicaid DSH) that are scheduled to take effect in October of this year.

Their letter echoes a long-time advocacy priority of the National Alliance of Safety-Net Hospitals.

In their letter the groups, led by the American Hospital Association and the Association of American Medical Colleges, write of the underlying rationale for the Affordable Care Act mandate for Medicaid DSH cuts that

…the coverage rates envisioned under the ACA have not been fully realized, and tens of millions of Americans remain uninsured. In addition, Medicaid underpayment continues to pose ongoing financial challenges for hospitals treating our nation’s most vulnerable citizens.

NASH has long advocated such delaying Medicaid DSH cuts, most recently in comments to Congress in response to the proposed State Accountability, Flexibility, and Equity for Hospitals Act.

Delaying Medicaid DSH cuts also is identified as an advocacy priority of private safety-net hospitals in NASH’s 2019 policy and advocacy agenda.