The next continuing resolution to fund the federal government should extend the delay on long-scheduled, always-delayed cuts in Medicaid disproportionate share (Medicaid DSH) allotments to the states, the Alliance of Safety-Net Hospitals has written in a letter to congressional leaders.

In fact, Congress should eliminate entirely the planned Medicaid DSH cuts, which have been scheduled for implementation since 2014 but repeatedly postponed by Congress because of its recognition of the importance of these payments to community safety-net hospitals.

As ASH’s letter explained,

Medicaid DSH is a vital tool for helping safety-net hospitals care for the residents of the generally low-income communities they serve.  These community safety-net hospitals are the primary providers of care for many uninsured, low-income, and Medicare- and Medicaid-dependent Americans, and these hospitals rely heavily on Medicaid DSH for support in providing that care.  Medicaid DSH payments are essential for their survival.

Learn more about ASH’s request that Congress delay the next scheduled cut of Medicaid DSH allotments and consider ending the cuts entirely in ASH’s letter to congressional leaders.