The agency that advises Congress on Medicare payment policies has voted to recommend that Medicare equalize payments to skilled nursing facilities and inpatient rehabilitation facilities.

At a recent meeting in Washington, D.C., the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) concluded that in areas where there is overlap in the services provided by different types of post-acute-care facilities, Medicare payments should be the same regardless of the facility where the services are provided.

new medpacSpecifically, MedPAC voted to recommend that payments to skilled nursing facilities and inpatient rehabilitation facilities be the same for five orthopedic conditions and 17 other orthopedic, pulmonary, cardiac, and infection-related conditions.

MedPAC’s recommendations to Congress are advisory only and are not binding either on Congress or the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, which sets Medicare payment policies.

See the MedPAC issue brief on this subject here and the presentation made to MedPAC members here.