With the COVID-19 pandemic’s continuous Medicaid eligibility set to expire in a little more than a month, nearly two-thirds of the current Medicaid population is unaware their continued participation in the program will soon be subject to review and could result in their loss of health care benefits.

According to a survey conducted for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, “In December 2022, more than 6 in 10 adults in Medicaid-enrolled families were not aware of an upcoming return to the regular Medicaid renewal processes…”

This could pose a major challenge both for those who lose their Medicaid coverage and may need to forego seeking treatment and those who care for current Medicaid patients and face the prospect of providing care for which they will not be paid.  It would be especially challenging, moreover, for community safety-net hospitals, which serve more Medicaid patients than the typical American hospital.

Learn more about one of the major obstacles to Medicaid eligibility redetermination from this summary of the foundation survey.